Open Enrollment for Spring classes begins Friday, January 3.
Please TEXT Miss Lani (774-563-3069) with your student’s information.

Enrollment for Summer Art Camp 2025 now Open!


Thoughts from Miss Lani

Each quarter I have penned thoughts to the parents and caregivers of our Children’s Studio art-making enrollees. This winter-spring term, I am sharing my thoughts about the Power of the Arts.

Art is a vehicle that allows children the expression of a depth and complexity of emotion beyond what their words can convey.

Art is like a portal to emotional literacy, a skill we all need, in my opinion, to form strong relationships through our lives. Working with parents – some who have struggled, some who have incredible balance, interpersonally, and some who seek to recalibrate… I have found always that paint, permission to ease up a little, and friendship can connect and heal.

Children’s insight cited in their art making is a reflection of how they speak to themselves as they paint what they feel, not always what they see… rather what they feel!

I watch very carefully – as do you – and we learn from the children, do we not?

As a teacher – and as I like to say, a trained learner – my teachers have been often the most unlikely people. I believe children have taught me and have a great deal to continue to teach us. They often lead the way and I invite you to “walk with them” and with their self-expressions in their art work these next weeks. They will offer us so much.

Best, Miss Lani

Art After School

~ Now Accepting Enrollment ~
Registration for SPRING 2025 Classes

To register or for questions, text (preferred) or call Miss Lani’s cell: 774-563-3069 or email the Children's Art Studio

Click here to download a PDF of the Spring 2025 courses.

Art After School with Miss Lani

Tuesdays; 3:00–5:15pm
Wednesdays: 2:00–5:00pm
Thursdays: 3:15–5:30pm
Friday: 3:15–5:30pm

Preschool Age Morning Art with Miss Lani

Fridays: 9:30-11:30am

$50/class • $400.00 for the 8 week series


Tuesdays: Ages 5, 6, 7 year olds • 3:00-5:15pm

Open to Discovery – Look, Draw and Make it POP!

Mary Cassatt, Claude Monet, and Pierre Augustus Renoir lead and inspire us as we view artists whose zest for art makes it fun and active. How do these artists create boldness? Let’s find out! Possibilities of work for the future … seeing anew, what has been done in the past for 150 years!

April 29
May 6, 13, 20, 27
June 3, 10, 17


Wednesdays: Ages 6, 7, 8, 9 • 2:00-5:00pm

Our Eighth Vibrant Series ~ Wonder of Animals

The youth artists chant “S’more love for animals.” From Mount Denali in Alaska to the Galapagos Islands in the Pacific, we shall continue to paint the resilient animals, their habitats and capture “their roars” for our help to protect the abundance of all animal species, all over the world! Jane Goodall’s advocacy guides us. Her life’s work with animals continues to inspire us to protect our natural world! We must!

Miss Lani believes in our youth artist’s “artistic communion” concerning animals. This ongoing connection in this our “Wonder of Animals” course is a coming together and the art work concerning animals helps to create something of an extraordinary awareness!

April 30
May 7, 14, 21, 28
June 4, 11, 18


Thursdays: Ages 9, 10, 11, 12 • 3:00 – 5:20

“Art Aliveness” – a contemporary mix – Ed Ruscha, Frank Stella, Ellsworth Kelly. Here’s to Modernism.

The advanced art students have a taste for modernism – it seems natural to them, for they like what is new and innovative that sits well with their zest for life! While moved by themes of Impressionism last fall, we tend now to focus on contemporary artists in this course. In some cases, the young artists have been painting with me in our studio for eight years. We are growing! We will study painting, print making, and photography as we look, with zestful insight, into American contemporary artists and their colleagues from international countries!

Ed Rascha is deeply influenced by literature, photography, and film. He loves books… studies languages! He uses unusual word parings and rhymes. Time magazine has honored him as one of 100 most influential people in our decade. He is married, father of two sons and makes his home in Los Angeles. His “pop art” is exciting. Unconventional curious thinking – he intrigues youth!

Frank Stella guides our love for advanced art making. Additionally, Jack Bush, the Canadian color field painter will be viewed and studied for his works, are on the rise after his retrospective at the National Gallery of Canada in Ottawa, several years ago. His work Red Side Right is one of Miss Lani’s favorite “sash” canvases as it is referred to. Bold color – personal with heart.

Ellsworth Kelly whose work includes our Dartmouth Panels, painted aluminum, “at the Hop” will be visited and studied, as well. Miss Lani met with him on the day the installation was achieved for us – our community.

May 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
June 5, 12, 19


Friday Mornings: Ages 3, 4, 5 years
9:30 - 11:30 am

Exploring Watercolor Painting for Young Children

Watercolor painting is fun and gentle, offering expressive brush stroke gestures to young painters. All aboard, we say, as serendipitous painting is an exciting way to become familiar with the characteristics of watercolor – ’tis magic! Limited enrollment.

May 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
June 6, 13, 20


Friday Afternoons: Ages 8, 9, 10, 11 years • 3:00 – 5:20 pm
Advanced Class

You and Your World

Who are you in the world at large? Let us affirm the positive: “I make room / in life / for joy!” We will explore “us” and sketch persons – size, scale, and proportions, as we create portraits and self-portraits, as well.

Globes, puppets, paper objects, poetry, wire, copper, wood, shells, mosaics, will be experimented with as mediums as we look and see how we “match” with the things of our world. We shall boost energies!

It is fun to spend class time – drawing from one another, modeling. We’ll pose – wearing clothing with interesting decals, patterns – and youth will take turns being “in the spot light.” Musical instruments, sports gear, books, skate boards, bamboo objects, flowers, plates, spoons, umbrellas, robots – all will generate ideas for poses.

In some cases, we will curl up on our oak floor. We shall set self-consciousness aside – giggles and embarrassed moments will quickly fade away. We are beautiful and fit – young artists.

Picasso, Matisse, and other artists where their art figures were interestingly designed will be compared and discussed.

We shall learn about the “art of looking” as a process… life-long intentions… and value our time together!

May 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
June 6, 13, 20


Walk with Miss Lani

Miss Lani is happy to meet your child after school on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at the Marion Cross School post 104 and walk joyfully back to the studio. Please text Miss Lani with your request with advance notice. The advanced classes walk on the path on their own.

Text or call Miss Lani: 774-563-3069 or email the Children’s Art Studio

Saturday Art Adventures 2025

~ Now Accepting Enrollment ~
Registration for SPRING 2025 Classes

To register or for questions, text (preferred) or call Miss Lani’s cell: 774-563-3069 or email the Children's Art Studio

Click here to download a PDF of the Spring 2025 courses.

All Saturday Art Workshops are for children ages 4-11 (multi-age class) from 1:30-3:45.

$55.00 per child for each workshop


April 26: Everything Is Interesting

How do we become an explorer of the world?

Children who engage in art making know 1) always be looking, 2) consider everything alive and animate, 3) everything is interesting – look closer, 4) alter your course, 5) observe. Today let us put our knowledge to work!

We shall study patterns and make connections today. It occurs to us that artists and scientists analyze the world around them in surprisingly similar ways! They also have one thing in common – they are collectors! We will learn about ethnographers – people who collect and document. Everything is interesting. We are going to learn about and focus on what we are drawn to… what works for us. Individual bamboo boxes will be painted and mosaics will be embellished by you to treasure and hold all the notes, collections and things we document that are important to you! You are an explorer and this is a BIG DAY for explorers – a new artful mission begins, TOP Secret!!!

May 3: Drawn to Horses

From the caves of Lascaux to the deserts of Arabia, from Mount Olympus to the hills of our farms and pastures, horses have captured the imaginations of children and families throughout the world! Inspired by mythology, poetry, musicians and movement, we will paint and sculpt from a variety of materials. We
shall consider the anatomy of the horse and like French artist Franz Marc, we will appreciate the spirit and energy of all horses. We cherish his work. “The Blue Horse” is Miss Lani’s favorite painting of these majestic animals!

May 17: Learning from Gandhi

A true peace advocate. A man of non-violence, manners and collaborative spirit… this leader from India has had a spiritual and artful life history to share. He achieved world honor… And today we will read stories, learn from his ideals, practice his teaching and paint his portrait. It will be nourishing for us in our art making to remember him… and goodness, peace, kindness lead our path.

May 24: The Creature Connection

Animals and people. We have always been bound together. Humans are animals, after all. In art, we shall look at the many bonds with animals and also to the distance between us and them. No other animal makes operas or nuclear weapons. How did we become so different and what made us human?

Animals abound in our earliest art, suggesting that a basic fascination with the bestial community may well have been innate. The cave paintings as Lascaux are an ochred zooanalia of horses, stags, felines, a wooly rhinoceros, a bird, and a leaping cow – and only one very frail man!

We shall enjoy looking at researchers’ traces to our roots of animal love. It is our human capacity to infer the mental states of others, a talent that emerged 50,000 to 100,000 years ago

May 31: Charles Darwin, A Child’s World Hero

An international celebration of science and humanity combines today to honor Darwin’s birthday in late spring. Science literacy… humanization of search and adventurous spirit will be the broad scale discussed with the children today!

Galapagos Islands – the wildlife refuge pictures taken by Miss Lani and her grandson while visiting there for one week, some years ago, will be shared in class today – FASCINATING!

We, our family, spent time with the Darwin Research faculty and scientists during that week. The connection and understanding of that coming together remains forever in our hearts!

June 7: The Wonder of Elephants

Majestic, extraordinary creatures teach us this Saturday about the differences of the two species – “forest” and “savanna.” We will identify the reasons that the populations of both species are in a “free fall” and shy. As young Americans, we can join and support in solid ways the Treaty sponsored by IUCN and CITES that regulate global trade in endangered wildlife. We hope to study, Paint and HELP the highest risk elephant populations. Studies have found that forest elephants declined 65% over the past 15 years. Less than one-tenth of them remain, gone from 75% of their original habitat. We want to act now…

Beautiful inspiration comes from the late Jean Campbell’s superb photographs of elephants taken personally on her global travels. She joins us in our proactive interests to preserve all animal life! Her photographs are showcased on our wall, adjacent to our HAPPY TENT.

June 14: HUGE! VIBRANT! We love David Hockney’s canvases, art-making and color chords!

We will paint large-scale abstract art today. Hockney’s inventive paintings teach us to delve into our art making with deep brilliance of color chords! His line and texture dynamics are so rich that we shall want to continue to paint into the evening. We love this artist, like no other. Our advanced students are thrilled to realize that we shall, today, highlight his work and plan to enjoy the artist and our class.

June 21: Here’s To Incredible Kids

Let’s celebrate the Young Child! In order to promote awareness of the importance of children and their needs, we shall look at the International Year of the Child, Bill of Rights, composed in 1979. In Salzburg, Austria, the World Health Organization hosted the conference known for drafting this document. Miss Lani was a conference delegate, as was her daughter, who sat on a youth panel with 10 children from all over the world!! Yes to action! Yes to support! Yes to children!

Advocacy for children is in our hearts and spirits here in the Children’s Art Studio! We plan to complement all families and children who make up our “art family” with nurturement and positiveness. “Atta boys!” “Atta girls!” – our kindness and manners transcend all relationships in emotionally literate ways. Yes to children and their authenticity and genuineness.

~ Now Accepting Enrollment ~
Registration for SUMMER 2025 Classes

Summer Art Camp 2025

To register or for questions, text (preferred) or call Miss Lani’s cell: 774-563-3069
or email the Children's Art Studio

Click here to download a PDF of the Summer Art Camp 2025 courses.

A series of week-long mornings from 9:30 AM to 12:30PM.
Each week highlights a vibrant theme.
You may enroll for one week, two, more, your choice!
$450 per week per child.


June 23 – 27: The Wonder of Elephants

Majestic, extraordinary creatures teach us this week about the differences between the two species “forest” and “savanna.” We will identify the reasons that the populations of both species are in a “free fall” and shy. As young Americans, we can join and support in solid ways the Treaty sponsored by IUCN and CITES that regulate global trade in endangered wildlife. We hope to study, Paint and HELP the highest risk elephant populations. Studies have found the forest elephants declined 65% over the past 15 years. Less than one-tenth of them remain, gone from 75% of their original habitat. We want to act now…!!

Beautiful inspiration comes from Jean Campbell’s superb photographs of elephants taken personally on her global travels. She joins us in our proactive interests to preserve all animal life!


June 30 – July 4: Soulcraft

Woodworking… art… design utilizing gathered found wood. Ollie and Maddy’s dad, Andrew Pearce, has shaped wood blocks and wood curls (shavings) for the children and me. Now we will set out to create things and add joy in the making. Every child is sure to walk away today with a sense of pride in what they have made from piles of wood using tools and our art materials, from lathes to planes, and auger to chisels. A safe environ… having fun along the way! The work reminds us learning can be fun. Miss Lani’s class is hands-on and engaging. Let’s try woodworking out… perhaps we shall pursue it further.


July 7- 11: Drawn to Horses

From the caves of Lascaux to the deserts of Arabia, from Mount Olympus to the hills of our farms and pastures, horses have captured the imaginations of children and families throughout the world! Inspired by mythology, poetry, musicians, and movement, we will paint and sculpt from a variety of materials. We shall consider the anatomy of the horse and like French artist Franz Marc, we will appreciate the spirit and energy of all horses. We cherish his work. “The Blue Horse” is Miss Lani’s favorite painting of these majestic animals!


July 14 - 18: Glass Works – MOMA’s (NYcity) Example of a Paradise

Last year, in its American wing, the Metropolitan Museum of Art installed one of the grandest of Tiffany glass windows: Garden Landscape. Twenty feet wide, ten feet tall, designed by Agnus Northrop in an original watercolor, it is spectacular. Delicate flowers, sun-dappled pine trees, a three-tiered fountain – her perspective is “spot on”. Colored mosaics, glass, marble – we shall attempt to work with acrylic and glass as we did in our advanced class on Fridays and in our young class on Tuesdays this past Fall term. We will attempt to use confetti glass flakes and our special glass objects, specially ordered for us. Yes, we will be painterly – but copper foil will help us join our pieces of glass together. This is a great way to honor Louis Comfert Tiffany, an art designer and producer of glass art. Many of our houses of worship, nearby, and the stained-glass art window, in the chapel nearby at DHMC are familiar to us (a family friend, Mrs. Louise Johnson, of Lyme, NH, commissioned Sabré Fields to create the chapel window in honor of her late husband). Tiffany said in 1910 “The great thing in art that has helped me more than anything is the practice of looking at the beautiful and shutting out the ugly.” His stained-glass windows’ are inspirations. Do they do this for you? Interesting thinking – I am thinking, are you?


July 21 – 25: The Falcon – “In the fast lane”

Falcons are the fastest birds in the world. A favorite of many of my art students, Seb and Gabe, for certain lead us in our fascination for the falcon. Did you know falcons, particularly Peregrines, are able to dive 200 miles per hour, to hunt smaller birds in midair. Almost extinct in the mid-1960s – where people had destroyed habitats, had taken aim at them, collected their eggs sprayed with DDT which caused many eggs not to hatch!!! Phew. After that, they were protected by the Endangered Species Act and DDT ban – scientists lured them for release back to the wild. By 1999, we saw a resurgence – and falcons no longer needed protection from the Act. We are grateful now to learn that they live all around us in our United States. Be a watcher -- they build their nests high on ridges, cliffs, and even city peoples say on top of their buildings! A true story I am told. We shall paint their feathery beauty and construct some designs with poultry wire, newspaper strips, and wheat paste – art sculpting at its best. Excited for our efforts to take! Come fly – wing it with us!


July 28 – August 1: The HeART Beat of the Wild – Don’t Fence Me In!

  • Animal persons are individual beings.
  • Animals have their own personalities and dignity.
  • We have a respected approach to these creatures, with whom we share the earth.
  • A look at their gaze – do we see a part of ourselves?
  • We cannot ascend at the expense of wildlife around us

For our art camp this week, we will continue our examination of animals, we shall study: do animals make friends? Are their reproductive levels boosted by their behaviors keeping “tight” company? How do they ward off predators? Are they “groupies” or solitary? Examples: how do baboons create friendships? Do horses act sociably? Is it true they use their teeth to groom one another? 

Onto elephants in our study of diverse animal persons cultures, what does neuro imagery reveal? Their brains, their cerebral cortex is much like ours. There are interesting facts available, and we will seek them out. Sooo – we shall explore, as we compose our paintings and drawings! We are great thinkers and artists, both! We wish that our paintings are not all that is left, of these vulnerable and endangered animal persons. An important question to ask as well, is: at what point does our wonder no longer warrant another beings wounding? Psyched – our eighth year – honoring animals in art. We’ve stepped it up several octaves for our summer art camp weeklong experiences!! We shall choose together at least five endangered species that have been brought back, nearly lost to extinction. Each day – will focus and honor them. I bet you can guess the five…..???


August 4 – 8: Miss Lani’s Summer Break

Grab your fishing pole! No classes this week. We have a summer break. Miss Lani always practices catch and release, how about you?


August 11 – 15: Caroline Kennedy and You

Caroline Kennedy’s book Family of Poems and Jon J. Muth’s watercolors therein highlight the week with word pictures and inspiration. Poetry is the key that is the foundation in language and values that enables us to distinguish what is important when we are bombarded with information. American families, I believe have turned to poetry as a way of understanding and transforming their earthly experiences. Our youth tell us that their generation has been energized by Rap, Hip-Hop, and the Blues that use spoken words – poetry to chronical their lives and struggles. “Power” is power -- power to live our lives fully and to realize dreams as well… It is possibly thought by us, as educators, that we sense the younger children are, when they start articulating their experiences – the more they can find their path! Moreover, when we support children, as they find their own voices, the farther, perhaps, they can go. Poetry connects us to each other in powerful ways. Children love Caroline Kennedy’s childhood selection of poems that were read to her by her family. Our artwork will encircle poems, with themes: About Me; That’s so Silly; Animals; The Seasons; The Seashore Adventure; and Bedtime to name a few. Yes, we shall read, together.


Two separate morning workshops:

August 25: Big Wins for Wildlife #1

August 26: Big Wins for Wildlife #2

Precious and few – may we not forget: STAND UP! For fifty years, the Endangered Species Act has been helping to save plant and animal species in danger of disappearing -- 2024 marked the big birthday of this Act. Some of the biggest success stories will highlight the last two days of our summer camp. Two morning only workshops. Yes, the gray wolf, yes, the bald eagle, yes, the American bison, yes, stellar sea lions, yes, channel fox. The American alligator, Grizzly bears, Lake Erie water snakes, wood storks, humpback whales, all these animals have made it back from the brink of extinction. Stories will be told from Miss Lani’s experiences, encompassing travel to the Galapagos islands, Denali, the Pacific – environs of animal persons she treasures.



PLEASE NOTE: Children who are enrolled with us who have allergies to peanuts and tree nuts (cashews, pistachios, walnuts, pecans, etc.) must be kept safe! Please do not send food containing the above ingredients. An organic, generally home-baked snack is prepared by Miss Lani for the “fuel” the young artist need. A water bottle with water or preferred drink is fine and a good choice to bring along.

Any exceptionality and/or needs that you wish to discuss about your child’s development is welcomed and is considered confidential. Thank you.

Childrens Art Studio Norwich

Chappy is always in our hearts!

It is My Hope

From commitment to a our Children's Art Studio and vibrant classes in 2025.

Our untiring emphasis on art education and our collaborative sensitivity to our artistic families...

That the Children's Art programming extends energies, resources and talents in ways that enliven our town of Norwich.

Thank you for including opportunities in the arts in your lives.

— Miss Lani

Childrens Art Studio Norwich

Lani Carney earned a B.A. in Sociology and a M.S. in Education from the University of Oregon, and a HERS Certificate from Wellesley College. She has taught many courses including Psychology of Adolescence, Child Development, and Psychology of Adjustment. Lani served as Consultant to Dartmouth Medical School and the Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center on minority student recruitment and diversity issues.

Lani's program focuses on the principles of The Jane Goodall Institute: Roots and Shoots Program which professes that young people, when informed and empowered, realize that their actions do make a difference and can indeed change the world.

Childrens Art Studio Norwich

 Children’s Art Studio

“Art is the highest form of HOPE. If it has any strength, at all, it will outlive the vagaries of history!”

– Richard Serra, Artist